Contemplative Justice & Equity Retreat
Rooted in Your Soul, Flowing from Your Heart:
A Two-Part Online Retreat Supporting Justice & Equity Work that is Authentic and Anchored
Saturday, February 24
Two Parts/Sessions (participants can sign up for one or both)
Cost: $25 for one session/$50 for both
A Two-Part Online Retreat Supporting Justice & Equity Work that is Authentic and Anchored
Saturday, February 24
Two Parts/Sessions (participants can sign up for one or both)
Cost: $25 for one session/$50 for both
So many of us want to bring healing to our society and our hurting planet.
But sometimes when you try to engage, you may end up feeling uneasy and uncertain about the best way for you to contribute. Maybe you’re torn because you see and feel so many different ways that people are hurting. You only have so much energy–how do you choose? And how do you deal with the guilt over everything you’re leaving undone? Or maybe you feel pressured by others to use tactics that don’t sit well with your soul. You want to do what’s right and effective, and you’re willing to sit with your own discomfort as you lean more deeply into justice and equity work. But how do you tell the difference between healthy discomfort and violating your own soul’s wisdom? In this single day retreat, you’ll learn spiritual practices and contemporary coaching exercises to help you get more involved in justice and equity work in a way that feels natural and sustainable for you. It is led by UU minister and shamanic practitioner, Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig. Part 1: The Heart of Your Gifts: A Shamanic Exploration of Authentic Justice & Equity Work Saturday, Feb. 24, 1-3 p.m. eastern time / 10 a.m.-12 p.m. pacific time In this beginner-friendly workshop, participants will learn about basic principles of Core Shamanism. Then, using a drumbeat to help shift your consciousness, you'll get to try two journeys to meet a helping spirit and ask to be shown the heart of the gifts you can authentically contribute to the work of justice & equity. Part 2: Come Home to the Life You Long For: Soul-Rooted Justice & Equity Work Saturday, Feb. 24, 4:30-6:30 p.m. eastern time / 1:30-3:30 p.m. pacific time This experiential, interactive workshop will help you get even clearer on your own path to authentic justice & equity work. You'll get to try out a guided meditation to help you experience and trust your own essential goodness, plus coaching exercises check in with your whole self to gain clarity on what you would most love to offer to the work of justice & equity, and commit to next steps on your personal path forward. Click on the button below to purchase & reserve your spot in part one, part two or both! Your Facilitator
For more information contact Susan: [email protected]. Soul Matters Sharing Circle LLC