Upcoming Trainings & Webinars
Advanced Facilitator Training - Lecture Based
Adapting Our Model (single-session event) There are many reasons you might want to adapt our Soul Matters small group model:
Participants must take our single-session New Facilitator Training prior to this training. DATE & TIME: Upcoming training TBA COST: $20 per participant |
Advanced Facilitator Learning Group - Two-Month Experiential Training
(Fall offerings are full. A new round will occur in Jan/Feb 2025) This two-month advanced facilitator learning group is the same as our five-month experiential training above, just shorter. Both monthly meetings are run as a small group that follows the small group theme for that month. Our Team Lead, Rev. Scott Tayler, facilitates each group meeting. Like our 5-month groups, participants learn facilitation through participation and watching Rev. Tayler model facilitation. Rev. Tayler also pauses to point out tips and group process. Finally, after each 2 hour session, facilitators can stay on the call for personalized troubleshooting and tips.
Participants must take our single-session New Facilitator Training prior to this training. |
New Congregational Subscriber Orientation
This 1 1/2 hour, free webinar provides newly subscribing congregations and their leaders with an overview of our resources, how to access them and how to adapt them to their environments. Understanding how our resources support and enhance church-wide theme-based ministry is also a major component of the webinar. Finally, we leave time at the end for you to ask questions about adapting and implementing our resources in your unique setting.
The fall offering of this webinar has already occurred, but you can view the recording by clicking the button below. |
New Facilitator Trainings
(Fall offerings are done. A new round will occur in Jan/Feb 2025) This two-hour online training for new small group facilitators covers the Soul Matters facilitation model, our unique approach to deep and disciplined listening, tips for handling facilitation challenges and start up strategies. Soul Matters founder and Team lead, Rev. Scott Tayler, leads the training. Designed for new facilitators but also serves as a great tune-up training for long-time facilitators!
Advanced Facilitator Group - Five-Month Experiential Training
(Fall offerings are full. A new round will occur in Jan/Feb 2025) This five-session, once-a-month facilitator group is an experiential training, with each monthly meeting run as a small group. This approach is an entirely different way of training facilitators. Instead of being told how to facilitate, group members learn through participation and watching Rev. Tayler, our Team Lead, model facilitation. Along the way, Rev. Tayler pauses to point out tips and group process. This also allows participants to experience a “dry run” of the session they will be leading with their groups later in the month. After each 2 hour session, facilitators can stay on the call for an optional and more personalized troubleshooting and tips session with Rev. Tayler. This is a chance for facilitators to receive monthly support for the particular challenges they are wrestling with in the groups they run in their home congregations. In addition to training, this approach provides participants with personal spiritual nourishment as they bond and share with fellow facilitators from around the country.
Participants must take our single-session New Facilitator Training prior to this training. |
Recordings of Past Webinars
A number of our past webinars are available, many of them free. Topics include: new subscriber orientation, adapting our small group model, social media tools, crossing paths, vibrant music on small budgets, leading meditation with children and an intro to our Starting Point newcomers program.
For more information contact Susan: [email protected]. Soul Matters Sharing Circle LLC