Exploring Our Values
Individual Packets
To support engagement with our new UU core values, we’ve created worship, small group and religious education resource packets for each of the new values.
Scroll down to purchase the packets that will support you best! |
Worship Research
Liberating Love Worship Research
Generosity Worship Research
Interdependence Worship Research
Justice & Equity Worship Research
Pluralism Worship Research
Transformation |
Small Group
Liberating Love Small Group
Generosity Small Group
Interdependence Small Group
Justice & Equity Small Group
Pluralism Small Group
Transformation |
Religious Ed
Liberating Love Religious Ed
Generosity Religious Ed
Interdependence Religious Ed
Justice & Equity Religious Ed
Pluralism Religious Ed
Transformation |
In addition to resource packets for each of our seven UU core values, we've created packets for four themes that complement the explicitly value-centered packets. These include the themes of, Welcome, Heritage and Renewal, which are designed to bookend and contextualize the value themes, and Mystery, which is central to UU spirituality and lifted up in Article II’s inspiration section: “we proclaim that direct experiences of transcending mystery and wonder are a primary source of inspiration.”
For those wanting to combine the above six packets with the below four packets to create a full church year series of monthly themes, click HERE to see our suggested order of use. |
Worship Research
Mystery Worship Research
Welcome Worship Research
Heritage Worship Research
Renewal |
Small Group
Mystery Small Group
Welcome Small Group
Heritage Small Group
Renewal |
Religious Ed
Mystery Religious Ed
Welcome Religious Ed
Heritage Religious Ed
Renewal |
For more information contact Susan: [email protected]. Soul Matters Sharing Circle LLC