Three Month Group
Explore our monthly themes through creative expression!
Our monthly-meeting Creativity Matters group is a chance for UUs from around the country to come together to explore our monthly themes and engage spiritual discernment through creative expression!
You do not have to think of yourself as "an artist" to participate. It is designed for everyone interested in engaging their intuition and imagination in the service of spiritual reflection. Suggested projects do not require formal artistic skill or background. All you need is a sense of adventure. Think of it as making room for your right brain to dance with your left brain! Participants get a packet each month that contains five or more creative exercises to work on ahead of the group meeting. The packet also contains inspirational material and reflection questions related to that exercise. Click HERE to see a sample packet. At our meetings, we don't critique each other's projects. Instead we engage each other's sharing using our Soul Matters deep listening and discernment techniques to create an environment of self-discovery. Here are the details...
DATES & TIME This group will meet on third Wednesdays from March-May (3 sessions) from 7-8:30pm EST. COST: $60 per participant Register by clicking on the button below. |
Introducing Your Facilitator...
Rev. Sandra Fees
Rev. Sandra (she/her) facilitates our Practice Matters online group as well as our Creativity Matters online groups. As a UU minister for 20 years, she has served congregations in Reading and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. She’s currently mostly “retired,” focusing on her poetry, other creative ventures and leading small groups. She has a passion for yoga, novels, long walks and nature. |
For more information contact Susan: [email protected]. Soul Matters Sharing Circle LLC